Eye care for children is much different from that of an adult and even drastically different than that of a senior adult. A child’s ability to see develops rapidly in the first months and years of life. You can notice very early that babies will use their eyes to locate people and objects.
If you detect any bizarre visual circumstances, we encourage an immediate eye examination. If no distinct abnormality is detected it is suggested that all children have their vision checked within the first three to four years of their life. As a parent, you may see signs of developmental delay or your family might have some history of crossed eyes. Ensure your child’s eye health by scheduling an eye exam in Rapid City today.
Common Childhood Vision Problems
Amblyopia, or decreased vision, is a problem that is ideally corrected while children are young. It is sometimes called “lazy eye.” When one eye develops good vision while the other does not, the eye with poorer vision is called amblyopic.
Usually only one eye is affected, but it is possible for both eyes to be “lazy eyes.” Recently, many reports in the medical literature have increased our understanding of how best to successfully treat these children.

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Rapid City, SD 57702